Review: Own Your Career - Workshop for Women in Business


We had an incredible turnout at our "Own Your Career: Workshop for Women in Business" event last week, which was organized by the AHK Business Women Forum. It was inspiring to see so many ambitious and motivated women eager to take control of their career paths.

Our lineup of speakers, featuring Sabine Krafzel-Khourdaji, Marie-Christin Gabel, Dr. des. Kim Dede, and Marina Wille, delivered invaluable insights, strategies, and tools to help women thrive in the business world. From navigating the competitive UAE employment market to mastering strategic networking and personal branding, our event covered a wide range of topics essential for professional success.

Here are a few key takeaways from the workshop:

Confidence is key: Whether it's applying for a new job or seeking internal opportunities, it's important to believe in yourself and your abilities.

Be bold and know your worth: Don't underestimate your value, even if you've taken a career break. It's crucial to effectively communicate your strengths and accomplishments.

Honesty is essential: Be true to yourself about your career goals and expectations. If a company isn't aligned with your needs, it may not be the right fit for you.

Strategic networking is crucial: Building strong relationships and connections can open doors to new opportunities. Developing your personal branding and networking skills is essential, regardless of your personality type.

With these steps in mind, women in business can proactively shape their career paths and make meaningful connections within their industry. We are grateful to our expert speakers for sharing their knowledge and insights, and to our attendees for engaging in open and productive discussions.